While I know that in the craziness of the semester it might have been forgotten a few times, my purpose with this class and this blog was to help me in seeking to be: "to dream more, learn more, do more and become more..." -John Quincy Adams. I wrote in my first post:
John Quincy Adams said, "If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader." Right now though, I don't feel like what I need to be doing is trying to inspire others. I don't need to be seeking to hide or seeking to lead like President Uchtdorf warns against in his general conference talk, but seeking to be the kind of person who my Heavenly Father can use to accomplish His own goals.I have tried my best to do this, to try to become a better individual and a better tool in the hands of the Lord (I've also tried to find quotes from people other than John Quincy Adams :). I sometimes struggle to see how exactly I am going to move forward from these experiences that I'm having at BYU and use them to serve in the world. I was definitely inspired by the Alumni panel because while they all rely heavily on their education itself, they all acknowledged that what they used to go forth and serve was their experiences of working with people and their faith in Jesus Christ.
I am looking for inspiration; I am trying to find what will make me "Dream more, learn more, do more and become more." That is what this semester I hope to do, to open my heart and let Heavenly Father in and to be guided by the Spirit to know who needs my help and what role leadership is supposed to play in my life. I hope to become a leader amongst my friends, roommates, ward family, and community through service and sharing Christ's love.
I think one of my favorite things about college is how idealistic I get to be. Being practical is important, but being realistic can sometimes leave you feeling disappointed and let down, but here, I really feel like anything is within my reach and that I can truly decide my own future. I may not know exactly what that is now, but I can't wait to continue growing as He would have me grow and serving as He would have me serve. I know that there are so many things I would like to change about myself and probably even more things that I need to change, but my life will be just a series of opportunities to do so and I can't wait for those to come.
I will continue to "dream more, learn more, do more, and become more," and what I have found to be the best way to do so is to find ways to serve everyday.
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