Saturday, September 18, 2010

leaders in history

As we are beginning our leadership roles in our new surroundings, its hard not to have high expectations for ourselves; not only are we trying to find something that's meaningful for us and for those we serve, but we also have the legacies of leaders past casting shadows on us that seem nearly impossible to fill. If only we could embody what makes each of them so honorable, we could create our own shadows. Perhaps they would not be as tall, or wide, or even near the same shape as those of the people whom we admire, but they could provide just as much shade and inspire another leader just as much. This week, we had the privilege of dissecting those essential qualities of a good leader by studying many leaders in history. Brother Ward's lecture resonated with me because not only did he highlight those iconic leaders whom everyone revers and aspires to be like, but also looked at the infamous leaders whose influence was so negative that their names evoke shudders rather than applause.

I am not looking for applause, but the thought that a person might shudder at the sound of my name and fear becoming like me is horrifying. But what stuck out to me is that you don't have to be an oppressive dictator or harsh general or even the leader of a cult to be deemed as bad; you could simply be the mentor who forgot or the officer who was too busy or the visiting teacher who barely cared to say hello. I know that I have vision and I am looking to my Heavenly Father to make sure that its what He sees for me as well. I am ready to challenge what seems wrong to me. I am coming to know and looking to serve and my motives are pure. I am trying to follow Christ's example and to become one myself. With this attitude I am beginning my calling on the indexing committee and trying to be the best roommate I can be and leader in my apartment. In both of those roles, I don't want to be bad, mediocre, or indifferent, but  I will do everything I can to be the best I can be and draw on the examples of those leaders that I look up to.

The book that I will be reading on leadership is Made to Stick by Chip Heath and Dan Heath in hopes that I can find a way to make my ideas stick and positively effect everyone under their influence.

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